Remember that any of your 'normal' or favourite recipes can be
cooked in the Global Sun Oven! With other Solar Ovens you may not find
this possible due to longer cooking times & lower temperatures.
The below recipes are basic for you to try out..this page will soon be
re-vamped into a full-fledged recipe forum...but for now:
Sun Baked Amarath Cookies (Vegan) |
7 cups puffed amarath cereal 1 cup wholewheat flour 1/2 cup
oatmeal 1/2 cup ground flaxmeal 1/2 cup ground almonds 1/2
cup shredded coconut 1 tbsp pure cocoa powder ( 2 for chocolate
lovers) 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 cup fresh squeezed orange
juice 1 mashed ripe banana 1 grated apple (in Mexico we used
grated guava without the seeds) 1 tsp real vanilla extract 1
tbsp virgen olive oil 1-2 tbsp honey or molasses pinch of sea
salt (raisins or other dry fruit optional)
Mix dry ingredients well in large bowl or bucket. Prepare orange
juice, mash the banana, add grated apple, sweetner, oil & salt.
Blend all together and add to dry ingredients. The puffed amarath
starts to deflate with the liquid, and the flaxmeal makes the batter
hold together. You may need more or less liquid, to make the
batter stick, but not be too wet. Using a serving spoon for a mold,
press batter into spoon, and slide out onto lightly oiled cookie
sheet, 8-12 cookies. This gives them sort of a shape of an almond,
depending on spoon. You may also use your hands(oiled), to shape the
cookies. The batter gets sticky. By using the spoon shape, the
cookies are kind of thick in the middle and thinner on the edges.
Place in sun oven and bake 30-40 min +/-, at 150? C / 300? F. We had
our cookies be crispy outside and chewy inside. Experiment with
temperature and time to make the cookie crunchy or moist. These
cookies are super energetic and wonderful for breakfast, or anytime.
Makes 20+ cookies, depending on size. |
Whole Chicken |
Whole chickens roasts beautifully in 3-4 hours. Stuff a
whole lemon inside before you bake it. |
Chicken Veggie
Casserole |
Assemble pre-cooked rice, chicken or
turkey, cream of anything soup and available veggies. Cheese on top
and Bake in solar over for a couple of hours Freeze ahead for an
easy Saturday meal. |
Basmati Rice |
2 cups cooked Basmati rice 1 bag of mixed frozen vegetables (I
used the stir-fry kind) 2 cans cream of anything soup 1 can
of chicken broth, milk or whatever you have around.
Loosely pack this mix into an oven dish and cover with mozzarella
cheese. Cover and bake until the cheese is bubbly. Breadsticks
covered with cheddar and baked until melted.
Rice, Veggie and Sausage Supper |
2 Cups cooked rice 1 Cup cubed or shredded cheese I Can
Cream of anything soup 1 Small onion, chopped 1 Cup Frozen
mixed vegetables 3--6" pieces Cheddar-wurst or other Bratwurst
or Polish Sausage (About 1 lb)sliced into 1 inch bite-sized pieces.
Seasonings of choice. I used garlic, Mrs Paul's and lots
of pepper. I had pre-cooked my rice in chicken broth.
Gently mix all ingredients together. Spread in Baking dish. I
started with cold ingredients and frozen sausage and vegetables. My
oven stayed at 325? F and I let my casserole stay in the oven for
two hours. It was probably finished in -1/2 hours but I was busy and
let it sit. Serves four, or two hungry
guys. |
Warm Fruit Salad |
Remove the skin from one pear. Split in half lengthwise and
remove the seeded area and stem. Place face-up in a baking dish.
Sprinkle with: 2 Tbsp. organic raisons 2 tsp. Brown
sugar 2 tsp Butter and a sprinkle of vanilla or rum extract.
Bake in oven for up to an hour.
This is absolutely
delicious warm, with cream or cold or with cake or ice
cream. |
Banana Bread |
1/2 Cup shortening (or combo of butter or margarine) 1 Cup
brown sugar 2 eggs 2 mashed bananas 1/2 cup nuts 2
cups sifted flour 1 tsp. soda 1/2 tsp. salt.
recipe says mix all above together and bake at 300 degrees for an
hour and 15 min. in a greased pan.
I did things a little
differently with wonderful results:
I DOUBLED the recipe,
(freezing 1/2) Then... I used left over flours I had laying around..
So I used 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour, and I cup regular wheat
flour and 1 cup white cake flour. I also used 1 stick butter and 1
stick margarine since I was out of shortening.
I used 5
regular large eggs instead of four. And I sprinkled the nuts and 1/2
cup raisons on top, thinking they would sink, but the batter was so
thick they stayed on top. Next time I might add some brown sugar to
the nuts and raisons and leave them on top for chewy wonderfulness.
Girl Scout Camp Supper |
When I was a Girl Scout, we made this in tinfoil packets with
sliced potatoes and threw them in the campfire. This solar version
retains all the wonderful taste.
SERVES ONE pictured can be
doubled or quadrupled and baked in an 8 inch square pan.
(frozen) hamburger patty per serving, or two--you choose 1 Cup
Frozen Hashed Brown Potatoes per serving, or one thinly sliced
potato 1/2 cup Frozen Corn per serving 3 pats of Butter or
more to taste and quantity Salt and pepper to taste.
Arrange in layers in covered baking dish. Pictured above,
the corn is on the bottom, then potatoes, butter and seasonings, the
frozen burger on top to brown. Cover and bake in SUN
OVEN? for two hours. Again, it
was probably finished in less time but I forget sometimes that I am
Food doesn't burn in a solar oven so it always
works out! This meal really brought me back to the wonderful flavors
retained when cooking in tin foil packets, outdoors, without the
mess! |
Pot Roast |
Freezer to table in three to four hours.
Guess what? I
bought a roast and stuck it in the freezer. I took it out of the
freezer one day, gave it a shot of tamari and a couple cloves of
garlic and into the oven for 3.5 hours. Who says you can't brown
meat in a solar oven? |
Pot Roast with Rice or Noodles
2-4 lb. boneless chuck roast (rub in whatever spices, I use salt
& coarse ground pepper.) Spread over the roast a full can of Cream of
Mushroom soup.
Cook COVERED approx. 4 hrs. at 300? F.
roast from pan (will fall apart) stir cooked rice or noodles in the juices
and soup left in the bottom of the pan.
Serve with salad.
1 jar (32 ounces) spaghetti sauce 1 package (8 ounces) lasagna
noodles Olive oil 1 pound ricotta cheese 1 pound mozzarella
cheese, shredded 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Spread 1 1/2 cups of sauce over bottom of a dark roasting pan. Coat
uncooked noodles with olive oil. Layer half the noodles and half the
ricotta cheese over the sauce. Add half of the mozzarella cheese. Repeat
layers of sauce, noodles and cheese. Top with remaining sauce. Sprinkle
Parmesan cheese over top. Cover and bake in the solar oven for 3 to 4
hours. Makes 6 servings.
Barbecued Chicken
1 cut-up chicken (about 3 pounds) 1/2 cup vinegar 2 tablespoons
Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2
cup ketchup 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 clove garlic, minced
Place chicken pieces in a dark pan. Combine remaining ingredients and
pour over the chicken pieces. Cover and bake in solar oven for 2 to 3
hours. Makes 4 servings.
Baked-Potato Salad
4 medium potatoes 1/4 cup finely chopped celery 1/4 cup finely
chopped green, red or yellow bell pepper 1/2 cup finely chopped red
onion 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon dried dillweed 1/2
cup safflower mayonnaise (or other mayonnaise)
Bake potatoes in the solar oven for 1 1/2 hours. Let cool slightly.
Remove potato pulp from skins and lightly mash. Combine with remaining
ingredients. Chill. Makes 6 servings.
USES By Charles and Pam Dawsey
We find the SUN OVEN?
to be very forgiving. You will find you can cook at a higher temperature
with less time or a lower temperature with more time. The meat cooked is
more moist and flavorful than with a conventional oven.* For dry camping
in our motor home, this oven is a must. When we are not using the oven for
other things, but wish to keep it available, we place a black tea kettle
of water inside which also provides us with extra hot water. All dishes
should be dark, so the sun?s rays will be better absorbed, and should be
used with the cover on unless otherwise stated.
* Mfr.?s note: meats must be cooked at temperatures above 250? F to
prevent bacterial overgrowth.
PORK SPARERIBS (Baby-back ribs)
1 rack ribs Barbecue sauce (Ingredients Below)
1 onion, chopped 1 cup ketchup ? cup molasses ? cup brown
sugar ? cup cider vinegar 3 tablespoons prepared mustard ?
teaspoon liquid smoke Salt and pepper to taste
Saut?nion in small amount of oil. Add remaining ingredients and simmer
for 30 minutes. Boil ribs in water for 15 minutes. Place ribs in a dark
baking pan and cover with half the sauce. Use balance of sauce to brush on
during cooking. Cook in preheated 325? F oven for 2 hours.
2 cups mixed beans 1 large onion, chopped and saut? 4 cloves
garlic, chopped and saut? 3 tablespoons dried parsley Dash oregano
2 tomatoes, chopped (or canned) Red pepper (optional) ? green
pepper, chopped 1 ham hock or 4 strips of bacon (smoked)
Preheat SUN OVEN?. Place ingredients
in pot and cover to within 1 inch of top with soup stock or 3 cubes of
beef bouillon in water. When done, add ? lemon or 2 tablespoons vinegar.
Cook at 300? F for 4 hours.
This dish is as colorful as it is tasty. It can be prepared ahead of
time and reheated before serving. Although it looks complicated, the three
stages are easily accomplished and well worth the effort.
1 pound ground beef 1 cup bread crumbs ? cup chopped onion
? teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 beaten egg
Mix ingredients by hand or with your cuisineart. Form into small balls.
Spray pan with Pam and arrange meatballs. Cook in preheated SUN
OVEN? at 325? F for 50 minutes or until done.
1 cup juice from a 17-oz. can of chunk pineapple (reserve fruit) ?
cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground ginger ? teaspoon salt 2
tablespoons cornstarch ? cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons soy sauce
Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Set aside. Arrange the
following over meatballs:
1 green pepper, cut in one-inch pieces, slightly blanched. Drained
pineapple from can (above) 1 large or 2 small tomatoes, cut in 8
Pour sauce over all and pop into your SUN OVEN? to reheat for about one hour before serving.
Serve over hot rice. (Turn lid upside down and cook a small pot of rice on
top of the dinner. Rice should be done in one hour when dinner is ready to
1? pounds ground beef 1 cup tomato juice 1 egg ? cup
chopped onion ? teaspoon salt ? teaspoon pepper ? cup rolled
oats or breadcrumbs
Preheat SUN OVEN?. Combine
ingredients. Bake in loaf pan at 325? F for 1? hours.
2 pound pork loin roast Salt and pepper
Rub meat with salt and pepper. Brown on all sides in an iron pot on top
of stove. Place in preheated SUN OVEN? and cook at 325-340? F until thermometer shows
170-180? F internal temperature (about 2? hours).
Roasting chicken Margarine Salt and pepper
Rub chicken with margarine, salt and pepper. Cook in covered baking
dish, using basting syringe to baste occasionally with pan drippings. When
meat thermometer reads 180? F chicken is done (about 4 hours).
We usually double this recipe.
1 can Campbell?s pork and beans 2 tablespoons ketchup 1
teaspoon dried onion 1 teaspoon dried mustard ? cup maple flavored
syrup 1 slice bacon, cut into pieces and placed on top
Bake in preheated SUN OVEN? at
325-340? F for about one hour. Leave in oven at 200? F until dinner is
served. These are really delicious and go well with any of the meat
? cup butter 1 cup chopped onions 1 can cream of chicken soup
1 16-ounce sour cream 1 20-ounce bag frozen hash brown cubed
potatoes, thawed 8 ounces grated sharp cheddar cheese Crushed
potato chips for the topping
Melt butter in small pan. Saut?nion until translucent. In a bowl, stir
together sour cream, chicken soup and onions. Mix well. Add potatoes,
salt, pepper and cheese. Stir until all ingredients are well blended. Pour
into ungreased dark-colored casserole dish. Sprinkle potato chips on top.
Cook for 2 hours in preheated 300-325? F oven.
Place flank steak in marinade:
? cup soy sauce 3 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
? teaspoon ground ginger ? teaspoon garlic powder ? cup salad
oil 1 green onion, finely chopped
Marinate steak in refrigerator for three hours. Roll flank steak and
skewer or tie with string. Insert thermometer in meat and cook in
preheated 325? F SUN OVEN? until
desired temperature is reached. (We cook this to the rare stage on the
3 pound rump roast Flour Salt and pepper 3 cloves of garlic
Onions Potatoes Carrots Turnip 2 cups beef bouillon
Sear meat on all sides on top of stove. Insert cloves of garlic in cuts
made in the roast. Cook in preheated 325? F SUN OVEN? until desired temperature is reached on meat
thermometer (about 3 hours). Add onions, potatoes, carrots and turnip. Add
beef bouillon for gravy. Cook another 3 hours at about 250? until carrots
are done. Thicken the juices with a little cornstarch dissolved in cold
water. Dinner should be ready to serve!
3 cups bread flour ? cup corn meal or whole wheat flour 1
teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon olive oil 1? cups water 2 teaspoons
yeast 1 tablespoon gluten (optional)
We use a bread machine to do all the work. Just before it starts to
bake, remove the dough to a greased loaf pan and place in the microwave
oven with 2 cups of hot water. Dough should double in size in about 35
minutes. Remove to your 325? F SUN OVEN? and bake for approx. 45 minutes. For a better
crust, brush loaf top with salt water 5 minutes before done. Test for
doneness by tapping the loaf; if it sounds hollow, the bread is
1 package Jiffy Corn Bread Mix 1 chopped green onion 1 egg
Mix first three ingredients with enough buttermilk to get the right
consistency. Bake in preheated SUN OVEN? at 325? F for approx. 70 minutes or until
5 slices bacon 1 medium onion, chopped 1 pound lean ground beef
2? cups kidney beans 3? cups canned tomatoes Salt 1-2
tablespoons chili powder ? teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
For this recipe, we use our 4-quart cast iron pot. Place bacon slices
in pot and cook at 325? F. When bacon is done, remove and saut?nions in
bacon drippings until tender. Add meat, stir and cook until gray in color.
Chop bacon into small pieces and return to mixture; add remaining
ingredients. Simmer about 40 minutes until flavors are well blended.
2 fairly thick pork chops Flour Salt and pepper
Coat chops with flour, salt and pepper. Sear on both sides. Place in a
dark pan, uncovered, and bake in preheated 360? F SUN OVEN?. The temperature may drop to 325-350? F.
Remove from oven and cover with gravy; return to oven for about 45
minutes. Best pork chops ever! Great served with rice (see below).
1 cup brown rice 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups water
Place ingredients in 1-quart dark pot with lid in 250-275? F SUN
OVEN? for 1 hour.
Slice tomatoes as thin as possible. Place in wax-paper lined pan in
SUN OVEN? with door open. We use
the roma tomato because the color is better when dried and it tastes
better. Turn tomatoes over a few times to keep them from sticking. On a
clear, sunny day, it will take 5-6 hours for them to be completely dried.
Our first try was very successful! If you have ever purchased sun dried
tomatoes, you will really appreciate this use of your SUN
OVEN?. You can use a wire rack to do
two batches at a time, one on top of the other. We remove the insert when
General Tips
Bowl of soup: 45 minutes @ 320? F Macaroni and cheese: 2 hours @
300? F 2 country style ribs: 1 hour @ 340? F, turn & cook for
another hour Gingerbread (Dromedary mix): Bake in a dark pan @
300-325? F until done
All cooking times are approximate!
Clouds: We don?t worry too much about clouds; if we have to, we move
indoors and finish the meal. The exception is baked goods such as bread.
We wait until we are sure of enough time to complete the baking before
using the SUN OVEN?.
When you become comfortable with your SUN OVEN?, you will have as much fun as we did. We are
purists, and did all the cooking in the SUN OVEN?. You can shorten preparation time by saut?g
the onions and frying the bacon on your stove, but who wants to do that?
Charlie doesn?t! |